
Changing my name!!!
          	⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃
          	I've decided on a final name!! 
          	If you guys havent noticed.. Thats ok, i would guess that you wouldnt. No body really looks on here... Anyways...
          	I've changed my name like, I dont really know how many times but its decided. 
          	I remember on Parks and Rec, Andy was told, if you keep changing your name no one would remember you. 
          	Or something like that. 
          	Just cuz I am saying this doesnt mean my name is gonna be mouse rat. 
          	Also, my boyfriend reminded a good point, many authors, including Steven King, Jk Rowling, Richard Matheson, Joyce Carol Oates and maany others, throughout history! 
          	I dont know, I am still discovery myself, amd my writing abilities, Ive been writing all summer, i just am not ready to publish anything, plus i need to re-write the crap i have written.. 
          	Another thing, for my birthday, with my job money im gonna try and buy a laptop of my very own, so more books to come and sooner, plus more fun to be had! 
          	Anywho, the name i have chosen will probably be Niamh~z~Nymph or something.. But im still kinda jumbling it around.. 
          	I need help... I know i started this message with a, ive decided a final... Well i said that.. But what i really mean is, i need your help a bit. I want it to be final but its not yet. S
          	Anyways, all for now! Love you all!! ~Peace ✌( ˘ ³˘)♥


love your poetry (._.) ( l: ) ( .-. ) ( :l ) (._.)


@xThatEmoKidx Thank you so much!!! 


Not at all lame, I love it. Don't stop writing my friend (^̮^)


@xThatEmoKidx oh thank you, i havent really updated it much, and I thought it may have been lame. 


Changing my name!!!
          ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃
          I've decided on a final name!! 
          If you guys havent noticed.. Thats ok, i would guess that you wouldnt. No body really looks on here... Anyways...
          I've changed my name like, I dont really know how many times but its decided. 
          I remember on Parks and Rec, Andy was told, if you keep changing your name no one would remember you. 
          Or something like that. 
          Just cuz I am saying this doesnt mean my name is gonna be mouse rat. 
          Also, my boyfriend reminded a good point, many authors, including Steven King, Jk Rowling, Richard Matheson, Joyce Carol Oates and maany others, throughout history! 
          I dont know, I am still discovery myself, amd my writing abilities, Ive been writing all summer, i just am not ready to publish anything, plus i need to re-write the crap i have written.. 
          Another thing, for my birthday, with my job money im gonna try and buy a laptop of my very own, so more books to come and sooner, plus more fun to be had! 
          Anywho, the name i have chosen will probably be Niamh~z~Nymph or something.. But im still kinda jumbling it around.. 
          I need help... I know i started this message with a, ive decided a final... Well i said that.. But what i really mean is, i need your help a bit. I want it to be final but its not yet. S
          Anyways, all for now! Love you all!! ~Peace ✌( ˘ ³˘)♥


Hey people! So a lot has been going on, I have a new phone, and because plans change I didn't get to write much, but it will be happening very soon. I am hoping to have a new laptop very soon, thanks to my job!! Then I will be trying to write more. Very soon, you will see my writing skills. Another thing, I am still in school, and will have a job, so writing will be tough, but I will update a lot. If I can. Also, I have synchronized my wattpad account with Facebook, and twitter, if you want u can check it out! Thanks for your time. Love u all. 
          ~~Pixie ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌