
"I wanna end me"
          	- Bury A Friend
          	 #18thNote #NotableNieneteen


A good day to all of you.
          Currently, I'm at a writer standstill and a terrible one, at that.
          So, to inspire me, back to writing, I'm here to introduce to you, Hunter's Beta Reading Service.
          The book is now available here on Wattpad and it would be a critique shop for various Wattpad books.
          So, if you want to review it, I would gladly read it.


@Zack_Hunter  Thanks for the info


          As an assistant of @TheLightningAwards I would like to inform you of the change in our tag format. The following tags are no longer valid; " #TLA" and " #Inapoll". Instead, change the old tags to meet our new format; " #TLAS1Entry", " #TLAS2Entry", " #InapollS1" and last but not least " #InapollS2"
          Please change the old tags around as they will no longer be used. Also, if you were to join the third season of The Awards you can use the following tags: 
          " #TLAS3Entry" to participate in the general event.
          " #InapollS3" to participate in this season's inapoll.
          We will be hoping to see you back during the events this December. 
          Thank you for reading this post and for your co-operation. 
          Sakka Yarouze!"


Hello again! It's Eun! One of the Judge Admins for COWA.
          Since Judging period has officially started, I wanted to remind you, to follow the rules and be kind to one another. 
          All of us Judge Admins, are here to help out as much as we cab. So feel free to ask us for help. 
          Also, please inform us of any foul play.
          I hope you have a nice day!  


Alright. Thanks! 


@euneunicorn Thank you for the offering. I'll make sure to do so if I run into problems. For now, I bid you, a nice day, as well.


You still have your old pro pic on..*chuckles*


@Witch_com I can't find anything that I find good to become a profile and I still like it. For now, I don't find the need to change it.
            I'm not angry, though.


Hey! It's Eun! A Judge Admin of COWA. Me and @noonajj- will be offering our service to help you during judging period! 
          What we will help you with:
          -to advice you on how to give a fair score (when you're not sure about the scores you gave)
          -to read books you're judging if you want a second pair of eyes to help you critique
          -to check your scorecards before you give to S, to make sure you did it properly
          -to answer your questions related to judging, whatever it may be we'll try to give you the answer you need 
          This is only if you need our help, but it's not mandatory to ask.  


So, I realized that I have been stealing Intellectual Property through the pictures that I am using in my profile and in my works. Even though, I am such stickler in citing my sources in my academic works, I have completely disregarded this writing world.
          That is why, I will be putting sources on the pictures that I will be using in my profile and my works. If not, I'll take it down as immediately as possible.
          I hope, I can be a model to my fellow writers to do the same as I was reminded, today, by @TheLightningAwards.