
Hey guys! I'd love to introduce you to one of my good friends an an amazing writer @Rarabunny1 - you guys should definitely check out some of her work!


Hey zahra, I’m Mia I just wanted to ask if you have any tips to get over a crush?


@Missmiababy Hi Mia, getting over a crush can be hard. I've found that listing why you like them and why you don't like them with a close friend can help. This makes them seem more human and more reachable which is usually enough to kill a crush. If not, ice cream and netflix. <3


Hey guys! I'd love to introduce you to one of my good friends an an amazing writer @Rarabunny1 - you guys should definitely check out some of her work!


Holy crap, I'm gone for 6 months and you guys are still here? Thank you for 800!


Yay! I'm from SE Queensland, how about you?


Hey Zahra! I love your book about writing propperly! I just wanted to ask you if I started my (first!!) novel okay.... And about the cover... Is it really bad? Lol, first cover I made.. Tnx in advance for reading my comment :)