

Hi, I just reached 100K on my only story. If you follow me, you can advertise your story on my board and I won't delete it. If you follow me plus vote on all my parts, you can post on my board plus I'll add your story to my public reading list.


Hello author, umm...sorry for plugging in! 

          I'm new to this community. This is my first book. Please show me some support and love by giving it a read and if you feel like it please give a vote as well. Do drop comments, feedbacks and suggestions, please, to keep me going. It would mean a lot to me. If you want we can even follow each other to stay in touch.
          Thank you so much! ✧


Hello, welcome to wattpad, you can call me Ed or Eddie, you are more than welcome to read this book and give this book a vote on all of the chapters and you are more than welcome to comment on this book on any of the chapters or all of the chapters, there's no hurry,I am not telling you what to do, this book is suitable for all ages, this book is written by me


          I have an exclusive offer for you
          An honest read for read: I go through your books and not just voting without reading
          Comment for comment : after going through them I give my honest review
          Vote for vote : Then I vote for your story
          Follow for follow : then I follow you
          P.s you also have to do the same for me
          Bonus offer : I give people the ideas of my book in the next chapter( optional if you want)