
My goal is to have chapter three out this week and try to get chapter four ready as well.


Currently plans. I’m working on a Ransom Drysdale novella based off of one of the last one shots that people had requested more of. I’m currently 1000 word (one chapter) into this. I’m hoping to make it a few chapters long at least before I release any of it.
          Question for you: do you want multiple chapter novellas that focus on one story at a time OR should I attempt another one shot book with hopes it isn’t taken down? 


I know I don’t mind either way 
            You could also make one shot book for each character if you want to as like an in between but that’s up to you 


Thanks to whoever reported my Avengers One Shots book. Wattpad has taken it down without my consent and with no way to retrieve it.
          A YEAR+ of writing completely destroyed for no reason. 200 one shots completely gone. I can’t even describe how much work and effort that was…
          I am furious and don’t even know what to do now. 
          Do I try to rewrite again and hope it stays? Do I write each one shot as its own book? Is there another app that works similarly (but better) where I can just write and let people read and interact without????


@Mermaid-Ghost-Girl I’m going to have to start doing this.


@ZalenaAllen THAT'S WHY IT WASN'T LOADING? i nearly cried WHO DID THIS


This is the reason I write everything in a google docs before posting so I always have a backup just incase 
            I suggest doing that so you have it just incase something like this happens again 


Hi I'm trying to read your Avenger one shots but wattpad won't let me. I was wondering if you deleted it even though it's still on your page or if it's wattpad glitching about. This isn't the first time it happened and has been happening more. Thank yoy for reading this I hope you have a great day :) ❤❤❤


It looks like it’s still up 