
Heya, i like your art and books, i’m currently reading “Nightmare x Lust” it’s pretty interesting. keep up the good work, bud.
          also i’m now following you, teehee
          i’m open for roleplay if you ever are too. 


yep, she sadly has to go on this weird trip somewhere so i decided to keep her account on here safe and tell her if her book is getting popular 
            btw wanna talk more in messages? this is kinda awkward when everyone can see our replies


hello there! sorry that I didn't get to thank you foe the follow!(tbh I think my laptop just hates me -.-) well thanks for the follow!


wot no feelin bad coz mai laptop hates me- jk jk jk jk jk  just know if you want someone to talk to ill be there for ya bud!