
Yo, it's finally finished.


Book 5 of W:APR will be out soon after some quick editing and taking some notes!
          Book 6 is currently being set up right now. Thanks for sticking around so far, if you have.


I forgot- Phen0mena will also be taking a break for a while. Unsure when she'll be coming back, but good luck with your stories, Phen! ^^


So, since Ant and Marsh are busy and Phen0mena is absent, it will be only me working on the rest of book four in W:APR.
          The book covers have already been prepared by Marsh and Ant and I still have some of Phen0mena's notes left in the Discord group chat. Work will be slower, also, due to this. I will be working alone temporarily until Ant, Marsh and Phen return.
          In the meantime, check out Aborz's YouTube channel for random nonsense as well as lyric videos!
          (I don't know what she's going to do next, you'll have to ask her.)


Hey Rand. (Yes, a rare sighting of capitals being used properly in one of my sentences, wow.)
          I really don't want to, but I think I'm going to need to take a break from Wattpad for a while due to family quarrels and disagreements.
          Are you able to handle the rest of book 4 on your own for now? As far as I'm aware, Maru is busy at the moment as well and I want to come back to help as soon as I can.
          I'm not on Discord currently because of certain expectations both from people inside and outside of my family.
          Like I said, I'm quite busy right now and want to come back and help you and Maru with the fanfictions. Would you be alright, handling it by yourself for now? (The progress will probably slow down a bit, but hopefully not for long.)


@Zenith0082 Thanks. (I don't feel too proud of myself, leaving you and Marsh without help while creating book 4, but I promise I'll come back as soon as I'm able.)


Of course! I understand if you need a bit of a break from Wattpad. Feel free to take your time, I should have (hopefully) hardly any trouble progressing through book 4.
            Yours and Maru's company would be greatly appreciated, but real life arguments and disagreements should definitely be sorted out first.
            (I really hope this doesn't sound like me being condescending, this is all a genuine answer.)
            Do what you need and work your stuff out. Come back when you're ready to help out! ^^


Howdy, folks, just here to let you guys know that book 2 of A Prophecy Reborn (APR) is out, thanks to Marshmonster1. Another Wattpad user named Phen0menaLi has decided to help us with book 3.
          On the topic of Marsh, she asked if she could take over on my Fantasy-ish book series: The Beyond as to help clear up my profile that was recently littered with stories that probably won't get published until MAYBE next year if lucky enough to even be remembered.
          Phen0menaLi has joined the little edit-team for Warriors, Marshmonster1 is now taking over The Beyond, and, in our spare time between our stories and real life, we will all be contributing to book 3 of APR.
          To anyone who's been waiting mainly for Warriors, thank you for your patience, and for everyone waiting for WoF, I direct you back to my last post from January.
          Temporary delay on The Beginning 'n' stuff.
          Thank you for reading (and sorry if this seemed kind of unnecessary -cough cough-. R01 shall retreat back to the cave now. *backs away into corner*)


Updated book 2's cover. Credit goes to Marsh.


You still need help with book 3? (Like the book cover and stuff.)
          Going to see if I can finish up on that list of herbs later today on Discord, but in the meantime I can make a new cover if you want.


ok, I'll let you know when I've finished and send it to you on Discord.


@Marshmonster1 That'd help thanks :D
            (No pressure on the herbs, by the way).


(To anyone who's been waiting-)
          So I've been thinking about my stories and I think I'll take a short break from the WoF fanfic.
          I'm currently wrapping up the rest of the Warriors fanfic (2nd book) while creating a little fantasy story. In between that, I'm also finishing some of the books I'm reading in real life.
          Work on "The Beginning" will be delayed for a short while.
          I'll continue the story once I've finished my main priority, which is "A Prophecy Reborn" and the first book of "The Beyond".
          I have also lost some interest in Wings of Fire after finishing 'Flames of Hope'. So, until I've finished my other books, "The Beginning" will not continue.
          (If I can, I'll probably make a start on the first few chapters, but for now, I will not pour my time into it.)


Just updated the cover for book 1 (Warriors). It's only temporary for now, unless I decide I can't be bothered waiting for Paint3D to reload lol.


ok so uh, what happened is I mentioned the part of the book (not currently out yet) where the main character, Maryanne, shoots her brother-in-law in the balls for murdering her sister and attempting to murder his own children which are Maryanne's nephew and niece


@ChefBimBim Also saw the announcement, hope you get better soon.


@ChefBimBim Wait, I think I saw someone say that once o.o