
Hi everyone! Whoa, did I scare you by popping up out of nowhere? I know I haven't been around much lately. Has it really been nearly a YEAR since I posted something on my profile? :-o
          	Anyway, I'm here now because Bootcamp Mentors is gearing up to start another season! We've changed things up a bit. Rather than focusing on the Wattys once a year, we've decided to run three shorter sessions, each focused on a particular writing challenge run by an Ambassador profile. If you've been wanting to get help with your story, you'll get even more chances now to get matched with a mentor. You can learn more about the program here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/364886130-2024-bootcamp-mentorship-program
          	Or you can learn about my role in the program here: 


@Nan1035 Thanks! I haven't been writing much lately, but I appreciate the enthusiasm. <3


@Zoe_Blessing looking forward to your future books☺️


Hi everyone! Whoa, did I scare you by popping up out of nowhere? I know I haven't been around much lately. Has it really been nearly a YEAR since I posted something on my profile? :-o
          Anyway, I'm here now because Bootcamp Mentors is gearing up to start another season! We've changed things up a bit. Rather than focusing on the Wattys once a year, we've decided to run three shorter sessions, each focused on a particular writing challenge run by an Ambassador profile. If you've been wanting to get help with your story, you'll get even more chances now to get matched with a mentor. You can learn more about the program here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/364886130-2024-bootcamp-mentorship-program
          Or you can learn about my role in the program here: 


@Nan1035 Thanks! I haven't been writing much lately, but I appreciate the enthusiasm. <3


@Zoe_Blessing looking forward to your future books☺️


Hi Zoe (do you remember me? Of course you don't, it's too long). Just wanted to stop by and say, you're an amazing and celebrated author on Wattpad. We love your books so damn much <33


@seven_hues I do make myself giggle sometimes when writing them. :)


@Zoe_Blessing I know! A lot of people told me, "what's the point in doing that? people vote without reading too, and also, votes shouldn't matter at all" blah, blah, blah... But I feel like writing those is actually fun. Like it's not always for votes and all, sometimes it's just for the fun of writing those stuff! <33


@seven_hues Haha that's awesome. They do bug some people sometimes but I'm glad you actually like them! <D


i read your tut on how to write stories people will love and it was really helpful lol


@Zoe_Blessing you're welcome, good luck on yours too :3


@-andie_ I'm glad! Good luck on your writing journey.


Hello. I am a fanfic writer who just joined. My fan fiction is a crossover BTW and I’ve loaded the tags with both the fandom names AND the character names (the famous ones). I’m wondering if I should spend more tags on fandom name variations or just leave them.


Ah, I see. thank you!


@eldestreyne Sorry for the late reply. I don't do read requests, but as far as tags go, imagine yourself as a reader trying to find your story. What words would you use? That might help you decide on which tags to use.


My fic is called Crash of Dimensions btw. Can you please go see if it’s any good?


Hey I wanna know how to make a horror story sound interesting and scary. Could you give me some tips please. 


Okay thank you  


@EggyRolly1 Hi! I'm not a horror writer, so I can't give much advice in this area. However I do have a chapter on how to startle readers. Maybe it can help? https://www.wattpad.com/687524659-how-to-write-stories-people-will-love-question-79


Hey there author I came from your guide book, but I have these certain doubt, 
          I write fan fiction and it isn't much famous here. It's shocking that I only have a book of that fandom and I can say my book isn't cringy and stuff. I have planned everything and do utmost editing. 
          What I want to say is, I am prepared about this book and got a good amount of 700 reads, but bcs the fandom is small I can't find same fandom writers like me and support them. 
          All I got is silent readers, now the problem is small fandom, no writers only silent readers. 
          I tried everything to make them comment ( except begging or persuading them forcefully) 
          I found your book hoping for some solutions, they were all good and amazing but I have already tried them. 
          Nothing works, none comments how should I deal with this situation? 


@Nascent-Writer That's awesome! It's a great feeling to have regular readers, isn't it? I'm glad they found you.


@Zoe_Blessing hey hey hey I am with a good news.. Actually being constant at updates I made 4-5 friends who DO comment!! 
            And those few comments are enough to make my day. Doesn't matter if the story is near to 2k reads and only 4-5 comments I am happy. And just now a silent reader approached me appreciating and waiting for the update... 
            This is insane!! 
            Thank you for guiding me!! 


@Nascent-Writer I wish I had a better answer for you, but we just can't force something that isn't working. There's not much we can do about small fandoms. All I can suggest is to thank your current story for the experience it has given you and then consider starting a new story. The more we write, the better we get, and hopefully the audience will come later.


Here's a bit of writer angst I'm sure many of you can relate to: I want to start a new story, but I really want to finish one of my existing stories, but keep getting stuck on it because I'm just not all that interested anymore. So I write a paragraph here and a paragraph there, trying to squeeze it out so, so slowly.
          Ugh. I know you know this pain. I'm trying to exert willpower, telling myself I can't start a new story until I finish one. I'm dangling the new story as a reward for finishing an old one. But it sure isn't easy. I have at least three unfinished stories. Must... finish...


            I wish i had thats willpower, i have at least ten unfinished stories that are soooo closeeeee


@SableWoodz Great tip, thank you!


I find when this happens, switching gears into the backstory helps. Else, you can think about what happened outside of the scene you are creating. This way you are still working on developing the original while also fulfilling the need to start something new. Once you get started, it fuels your creativity to get back into the project. 


Hello author, I've seen how responsive and kind you are towards other ppl who have messed u. And I wanted to ask you for a small help. 
          I had been a silent reader for many years. I read different kinds of books, in different genres. And after a few years, I started writing my own story. So coming to the point, I just wanted to know if you could read my book and give me your honest opinion about it. Moreover, I started recently so only a few chapters have been published until now. Ik it's a lot, but it would make me realize if I'm investing my time and energy in a wrong path. 


@chillpixel_24 Hi! Congratulations on starting your own writing journey. I try to help as many people as I can, but I am only one person, and reviewing a book is very time-consuming. I don't do read requests, but I do encourage you to seek out book clubs here on Wattpad. You might find like-minded writers who are also in search of feedback. Good luck!