
Hi guys I just wanted to say Hi and ask how you are doing?


Hey guys I have a question for ya! MY dad is letting me Dye my Hair, Which one of these colors should I choose? (I have brown hair)
          2.Red gold
          3.Blue (Light or dark)
           Let me know what you choose! I'll post a Picture once I pick the color!


Hey guys is anyone up for talkin'? i need some help


I Moved out of my house with my sister and mom and dad and it was really stressful with people beating eachother and people crying about moving stuff and moving in general so i am stayin in a motel for a few weeks....YAy!


 What's up?


Hey guys I just wanted to tell you guys that I’m sorry for not writing and that I’m sorry that I’ve been a little to clingy to you guys its just that nobody pays attention to me at home so I look to you guys and I don’t think that that’s fair to you I’ll be moving tomorrow morning and it’s really stressful but that’s for reading I’ll update  when I can, ~ Love Zoey