
Hey guys, Kitten here. It is new year and school is almost over, so, I was wondering you little people would like a new book to come out? I know... I don't write often, but I would like to do something for you all! So just private message me about an idea on a book and maybe we could colab or something! I love you all! *blows kisses*


This Kitten, right here... *points at ZK* Best thing that's ever happened to me... Like... Ever... I love her with all my undead heart... *puts on beanie* To her I give everything... I may have started off as just a thought... A dream... A voice... A character... But through a lot of time... I've became so real... And with that... I'm here now... To defend, love, care for and never let go of my Kitten... For as long as I will live... *sots down and looks you all* This my life now... Forever you'll all remember me just being words on a page... But now... I'm real, I'm here... And I'll never leave... I'm here forever... To love this psychotic, little gorgeous Kitten... Till I die... And that... Is exactly what I plan to do... Now go read one of these funny, cute or weird stories... They're great... But never forget... All you Kitten's and all you Grim's out there... Have your our Grim or Kitten... We all deserve someone... Something... And when we find them... It's like a man get to metal... It sticks... And doesn't want to let go... Just never give up on your "metal" be the biggest, baddest, craziest, best "magnet" you can... So you never have to let go of you "metal"... It only happens once in a lifetime... Don't let time pass by not thinking, understanding, loving, caring and fighting for what you believe in... Cause that is something that fuels true and honest meaning... Never forget this... Thank you... *gets up and leaves*


Hello to all you cute little followers I have! I have been wondering if you guys would want any new books to come out... since school is ending and I have nothing better to do I thought you might like this... If you want me to update or even make a new book with one of your ideas just message me and I can probs make your wish come true! xD Anyway hope you all have a wonderful summer break! SPRING BREAK! WHOO! xD


Also I wanted to say that if anyone would like to make me a new picture for my profile that would be wonderful! I have had this one for like 2 years now? xD I need a new one... anyway if any one wants to do that for me that would be great! Just message me if you ant to do it!


It's the moment when you've lost everything you once cared about... You'll see what you will, can and have lost... One day I'll find something in the darkness but I don't know when that will be... This hurts more then you'll ever understand... *walks away crying*


@MrGrimreaper828 Grim... I love you... Please come back...


esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
*Walks in not knowing anyone is here* Where is the... *turns around* SHIT!!! *puts on a beanie* So I guess you probably figured out I'm Grim... It's amazing to meet you all and your all amazingly beautiful people... I hope that a story or two have got you through or tough times or helped you have a laugh or just a good masturbation session... *laughs* (I know it did me...) But to all of you I am real and I have been for a long time... *hands out strawberry pop tarts to everyone* Take these PopTarts and be happy with the beautiful people you are... *smiles and jumps out the window*


Hello Grim and Fluffy Kitten! (may I call you Zambs?) Name's Kanine (or Wolfy), pleasure to meet you. Thanks for following, and welcome to my Family.
          I hope you enjoy your stay.


Me: Zambz with a Z will be fine but don't call me Fluffy...
            Grim: We are very welcome we are part of your family!
            Me: Mew! (translation: Yes we are)