
Alright everyone, I have to apologize, but I unpublished the original Resident Evil 2 book. In all honesty... it just sucked so bad. It was laughable and so cringey, and I was seeing more often than not, people were adding that to their reading list over the Remake 2 story and I realized it was the end of an era for my writing. This work needed to be purged from my published works list as it's just too embarrassing to go back and reread. I hope you all are okay with that, I apologize to anyone who had it in their reading list and it's not longer there. But I hope you can see it from my perspective how atrocious it is, especially when comparing it to the revised edition.
          	Have a good night everyone!


@sarahkanti2 I definitely will be! I actually not long ago finished the sequel for the Mansion, next up in CV, and then I'll be doing remake 4!


@Zombiegirl880 are you making RE 4 Remake ?


Alright everyone, I have to apologize, but I unpublished the original Resident Evil 2 book. In all honesty... it just sucked so bad. It was laughable and so cringey, and I was seeing more often than not, people were adding that to their reading list over the Remake 2 story and I realized it was the end of an era for my writing. This work needed to be purged from my published works list as it's just too embarrassing to go back and reread. I hope you all are okay with that, I apologize to anyone who had it in their reading list and it's not longer there. But I hope you can see it from my perspective how atrocious it is, especially when comparing it to the revised edition.
          Have a good night everyone!


@sarahkanti2 I definitely will be! I actually not long ago finished the sequel for the Mansion, next up in CV, and then I'll be doing remake 4!


@Zombiegirl880 are you making RE 4 Remake ?


To anybody who has been waiting so patiently over the years... THE BOOK IS UP! The 0714 Files: File #1 Inferno is now officially available on here to read for anyone interested in it! 
          Honestly, after posting it last night I felt so complete and can only hope you all enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. The feeling of it being out to the public is surreal to me and I am just happy to finally show off how much better this book is than the other one.
          I hope everyone also has a happy holidays and to anybody who finishes it and wonders if there will be more, why yes good people... I'm already working on the second novel ;)


I definitely intend to! I am currently writing the sequel, which is also a prequel? For the mansion! I am very glad to see you like the book and the character, it gives me a lot of joy for her to see the love after so many years of hiding this story away to work on it!


@ Zombiegirl880  i love RE Inferno story. And i also love Madeline. I hope you continue her stories again from Games and CGI movies. Thank you


Well guys, it's been a long, long, LONG road.
          So, biggest announcements is that the book is no longer known by The Unbroken, it's now officially File #1: Ember, and also, the book is almost finished!
          I'm most likely going to make this it's own book on here for fun. That way if anybody ever wants to compare to the garbo fest my first book is, they can. Also I just consider that book a piece of my writing history, everyone started somewhere right? Why should I destroy something I can inevitably read to my friends while drunk one night and laugh my butt off? (oh yeah, I've already done that though...) ;P
          To the 42 that have followed me, you're all awesome. To everyone who has added the original book to their reading lists, given any upvotes, or the one or two comments on it, I appreciate it all. 
          I look forward to giving a much better version of this book that I am absolutely so proud of and am in love with. I hope you all feel the same, although I must warn this bad boy is LONGGGGGG. Much, much longer than the original, this doozy tops out well over 730 pages because of how much I added in, so I hope that's no problem!
          Have a good weekend everyone!


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WheN DiD I hIT 31 FOlloWeRS!?
          Thank you guys, I very much appreciate you putting up with this waiting bullshit. REmake 3 will cause another setback as I incorporate that games events into my book and characters timeline. But I swear it’s totally worth the struggle of waiting 


Just putting it out the to people interested in the rewrite that I’m sorry it’s taking so long. I’ve been hit with bad bouts of depression and writers block on top of other horrible life events. But I’m at chapter 20 now and am halfway through the book so there’s that at least 


Love how I told y’all you might be waiting for the REmake book and I’m writing it again a month later. I’ll finish it up, then write the first book since this is technically the second and book will be up for you guys to enjoy 


So I feel terrible because I'm sure I've got followers waiting for updates on the Resident Evil book and I can tell you. It's not happening for a while. Having a sudden bout of inspiration, I'm returning my writing focus back to my original book and will be posting it today so you can check it out and decide if you're interested or not. Note this does not mean Resident Evil is finished with, it's just on hold, please understand that while I love writing for that series, it can't get published which means that it'll be a side project.


You guys are all so awesome for the follows, I've got something really big coming up for the future because of the changing of the plot and I'm super excited to post it on here. Only a few know it exists right now, but in the next couple of months you'll all be able to read it!