
Love you so much and btw I found you on Deviant Art


@KilliamTheVampire Aww, that's cool! And thanks! :3
            I am working on some art for the next two chapters of "The Good, the Bad and Starscream", by the way.
            As well as possibly "cover art" for each chapter, though it's not gonna be 100% accurate in details of the characters or absolute perfection, mostly just as practice for drawing Transformers, and mostly drawing Starscream from memory.


I love your stories, all of them! I love your writing style and the length of each part also! I just feel so lucky to be able know your works,. You are my favorite writer here so please keep up the good work! :), take How many time you need. I won't rush you and i am willing to wait no matter how long it requires


The Good, the Bad, and Casey Jones.


@Arrowbolt5 XD That was the first time I saw that title, and what I thought about when making the title for my fic. Even though the original title is "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", and Starscream definitely isn't ugly lol
            I am also pleased to have searched for the title on a few fanfic websites and only found my own story with that title. ;-D


heya do you do tfp rp?


@staymagical123 No, I don't do RPs anymore.
            I used to do a couple RPs in the past, but I'm not very active in those, and the last RP I did was with a person that both kept making new accounts so I couldn't reply to them and also talked trash on me for not continuing the RP with them.
            After I finally managed to end things with them, which they were not happy about, I decided I don't want to do RPs anymore.
            I simply don't have time for them, and I don't want to neglect my RP partners and end up offending them or even get threatened by them because of it.
            Sorry, I hope you understand.


            Is this account's person online tho'? 


Hello, I think I may have private messaged you but idk if it worked, I also commented on chapter 12 of The good the bad and Starscream(on ao3) I’ve come with an offer to help you continue the story! If you are interested I will be happy to explain it more thoroughly!


I could listen to you, you know. I’m quite used to helping people with stuff like that, despite not always having that great of advice. I go through many problems each day, so for you to talk about it and me having little clue what you mean is quite unlikely, so I suppose this is another offer of mine, to listen. Again, this one is just trying to help!


@LogicaIIySpeaking I don't really keep track of what gets me in the mood, so I don't really know...
            Songs can help, but that's about it, and also that I take a walk in my garden and then just pull myself together to get started when I get back inside.
            I don't think there's much other people can do to help me get back in the mood, perhaps other than listening to my troubles.
            I'm both a bit torn between Pokémon and Transformers, but I'm also torn between which Transformers story to focus on first, as I tend to write really long chapters, and sometimes it can be a bit much for me, as I never know how long these chapters are gonna be. But once I get started, I can write really fast and for a good long while.
            I think all I really need is for someone to listen to and understand my problems, and then otherwise just for people to continue to support me by enjoying my stories. Seeing comments made by my readers that indicate they really enjoy it, makes me happy and makes me want to continue, though at the same time I feel a bit guilty about postponing the chapters for so long.
            I would rather like to write my chapters by myself though, but thanks for the offer on that. :)


Seeing as you have voiced as you become tired throughout the day and not very compelled to write, I could always give you some words of encouragement to help you feel better about it, though I realize how little that is likely to do. I see you’ve also said you had it planned out, I understand, however I can aid with writing the actual content and perhaps furthering your ideas. If both of those topics sound unappealing, I would appreciate hearing what tends to get you in the writing mood. I’m very open to any ideas you have in store, my goal is only to aid your efforts.


Zora the Dragon when is chapter 31 coming out 


Hey Zora happy new year and how have your stories been going as well.


Oh ok but I’m glad you made starscream an autobot and that he was loyal to them and that you made the five protoforms autobots as well because I remember watching the show and I’m wondering are there gonna be more autobots but they only had like 3 more which made it 8 autobots also funfact Seapray was originally gonna survive and join Optimus prime but they scrapped it.


@rbrugh2 It's not that I'm out of ideas, it's purely motivation that I have problems with, and not just for writing or drawing, sometimes I think of playing video games and then immediately go "nah", and I also struggle with motivation to go on walks outside my garden or help in the house, we are 5 people living together, so motivation to do much myself is a struggle.
            I also feel like maybe I shouldn't make up many more new TF stories than the many ones I already have or sequels I have planned, because I also want to work on my original manga called "Firelords", which I currently only have 1 chapter of, but have been working a TON on the plot and characters and stories and arcs and all that, and I definitely want to work on it and eventually see it finished and, hopefully, loved by many.
            Currently I have like 15 TF stories, some posted, some working on the first chapters, and some planned to be worked on in the future coz they're sequels or prequels. And some unsure if I wanna go through with them or not.
            And then I also have a bunch of Pokémon Nuzlocke stories I wanna do, based on my own gameplay. So I am not short on ideas for fanfics, no worries. ;)
            On deviantart, I also made like, 20 different stories, a lot of comics with like 1 or a couple of pages, a few literatures, some one shots and others with like one or a few chapters, most of them fan stories, a few of them originals that I ended up losing interest in or not believing they will turn out well coz I worried about the art being too much focused on color, or too simple, or not having enough story, or being a bit too creative, I dunno.
            Firelords, on the other hand, is definitely the one. I think I posted the first chapter in like 2019, maybe, and I'm still interested in it, have worked a lot on it in notes and concept art, and am very excited to continue.
            I even made a giant structure in Minecraft that's gonna be in it, took me about 2 weeks to make it.