
School stresses the crap out of me. It makes me wish I was ded ;/


@Y0URDARKSOUL @DinoNuggetsPlz Lol, jus saw these, thank u <3


@_-Found-_ I know im late to all this, but its gonna be worth it in the end! Stay positive, and we'll be here to support you!


@Guinealove2005 oh, thank u X') i hadnt actly expected anyone to see this, let alone answer. U just made my day, thank u so much ❤


I just wanted to thank you for what you posted on my MB:) 
          You are always so nice and encouraging, and I just want you to know that, even though I haven’t been as active on Wattpad recently, it doesn’t mean that I have been ignoring you or anything. I hope you are doing well and are in a good mental space. I want the best for you.❤️ Love you & stay strong.❤️


@Guinealove2005 omg, u r so amazing X). I wish i was okay rn, but seeing things like this always makes me happier. I havent been as active lately either, but gosh, ur just so awesome. Just be urself and be happy, I love you ❤ (lol, didnt expect u to respond)


Shiro here! Alerting you and your followers who may see this! Recently a few days ago wattpad got breached from a hacker. This means they could have your gender, birthdate, email, and password. You don’t have to panic quite yet though, just change the password of the email you use and your wattpad account. Take any precautions you need or want to! I’m not saying this to scare you but I really don’t want any of you getting harmed or hacked :((. Love you ❤️❤️


@ShiroToaster3 lol, yes qween, go off ❤


          Stay strong❤️ you are beautiful.


@Guinealove2005 lol, thank u so much XD u r honstly such an amzing frend


Don’t cry.... and please don’t think poorly of yourself. If you do, you can’t let it get to you.
          I know.. from experience. 
          Take a deep breath and try to keep your mind occupied. What is something you love about yourself? Or what is something you love?
          Think about it, and let positive emotions flow. Instead of negative ones.