
How many of you have Inkitt?


Never even heard of it lol. Is it any good?


Fun story I'm almost 87% sure the message before this was posted while I was high. Anyway, I've been so tired lately and I haven't been able to get much sleep. I'm trying out a new writing app, it's called Inkitt, it's on Google play store. So far it's been a huge adjustment. But, I'm willing to try it out. I will most likely be continuing any updates I do on Inkitt here as well, so don't worry about missing one. 


I just got surgery last Friday and school is stupid, so I'm probably not going to update any time soon. Love y'all, stay positive! ŪwÛ


@_-YouAreMySunshine-_ oh my god I'm so sorry this is late, I've been caught up in a lot of stuff lately. 


Take your time recovering and make sure you drink / eat / rest enough lol


Just updated my profile on both Wattpad and Instagram to fit my personality more. My parents have been quite restrictive on electronics so I have not been able to write as much as I need to. You can use Instagram to see what I'm up to at the moment, I usually post on my stories if I'm writing. 


How did I start writing? 
          (This is some hardcore emotional stuff, so bare with me, also. Trigger warning)
          One night I was really depressed and I really wanted to die. At the time, I didn't have a lot of friends so there wasn't really anyone there for me. So in my distress, I started writing. It was a story about a girl who expressed all of her fears to her friends and her friends were super amazing and supportive. I guess when I was writing, I wrote what I wish would happen. In doing so, I put myself in the position of the character and makes me feel what they're feeling. It also gave me the feeling of control over my own life. Even if it wasn't reality. 


Also, I was going back through TIOCR and I realized that my writing has done a 180 and really doesn't look that great when you can see my transition from last year to this year. When I'm done with the book I think I may go back and redo the first few chapters. 


So I basically failed my science final. But other than that I did pretty well. I've got 5 days of break left and as soon as I finish up my chores for the day, I'll get to writing. I've decided I'm going to finish two chapters, post one, then write another chapter, ect, ect, so I'll always have a prewritten chapter encase something comes up. 


If it makes you feel any better, I got a 32% on mine :,)


@TheDoryWriter I made a 63 but she bumped it to a 69


Okay so. I sincerely apologise for going incognito. I've been working double time to keep my grades up, as well as studying for finals which will happen in a few weeks. I'm hoping to start a couple of other book ideas soon. In working really hard on an update for TIOCR but since the plot hasn't even begun to pick up, it's super hard to keep you guys interested. I'm trying my best, while writing a couple of other stories. I might post some short stories as a reward for your patience.


@InfigoWriters thank you for sticking with me 


@InfigoWriters thank you so much for the encouragement! Although I know I don't owe you anything, I feel as if I should reward you for just being a good reader! 


No worries! Don’t stress yourself, focus on your grades. You don’t owe anyone anything :)