
Hello everyone. If you want to see any of my future books then go follow @ANameWithABody
          	That will be the account I publish my books on:) 


I finally found inspiration to actually write. Here's a little information as I haven't figured it all out. It's set in 1800s, yet a lot different from our days. Where women could work and they had different clothes but also the same clothes as they used to. How girls were not seen as powerful though, not fit to be a guard but perfect to go in the bakeries. (No my story does not perceive my thoughts about life on its own). And how overtime everything starts to change. It has more to do with 'fantasy' but nothing to do with werewolves or vampires, just a bunch of information that was not apart of the 1800s. You can say quite different from the time and more along a romance book. I am right now writing it on paper and when I have the basis done and I have thoroughly edited it, making sure there are no mistakes I'll put it onto my computer and possibly post the introduction, or write 3 more chapters then post it so people can binge read 


I'm thinking about writing my own book. Opinions? 


@loveamy-xxx aww I can't wait either :) 


@canigovaa awwe thank you luv :) 


@ _APersonWithAName_  DO IT!! AND I WILL BE UR #1 FAN 


I made a few reading lists on this account and put a few stories on it. But I honestly don't really remember any of the stories on this account as I don't read on this. If you want to see some of my better reading lists check my bio and go press the @


Mkkk wattpad. What are you doing with the screen. Like. Why. The. Hell. Did. You. Change. It. It. Was. Ok


@gayMisterPotato669 man wattpads being a hater. I want old wattpad back now 


            IM WONDERING THE SAME DAMN THING! Like why they gotta make everything so complicated 