
New Story up! First chapter done! Call me impulsive cus thats what i am (: also please if you are here from the authors note on Mutual Friends then please check my announcement from 18 Jan, its only a few down, it explains my coming back to wattpad and whats going on with the  Pura hiatus (:


New Story up! First chapter done! Call me impulsive cus thats what i am (: also please if you are here from the authors note on Mutual Friends then please check my announcement from 18 Jan, its only a few down, it explains my coming back to wattpad and whats going on with the  Pura hiatus (:



testing, testing 123 is this thing on? sorry cringe i know lol, so its been a minute- happy halloween, thanksgiving, hannukah, christmas, new years- everything! 
          i hope you're all doing well and staying safe, keeping together but, not physically (: 
          soooo, yeah, im back, i've been reading back on wattpad for a while and spontaneously writing new drafts because, well what can i say, ya girls a rebel innit  not the point, basically- if you read the AN in Pura, you know why i left, and im feeling a bit better to be fair, unfortunately i dont have much inspiration for Pura at the moment, so until further notice i will be on hiatus with that book, but im still focusing on my drafts so hopefully i'll have something for you all soon (: 
          again, sorry for being gone for so long, i genuinely didnt think i would be able to handle this long without wattpad but hey ho, i hope yous are all well again and feel free to dm me if you ever gotta talk, thank you lovelies, stay safe and special ((:


Five of the last forty eight hours I have spent sleeping and I think my sanity is verging on collapse. Another four spent weeping and I only wish to relax. 
          I've stayed up all night making a PowerPoint for my religion class tomorrow, my group have contributed next to zilch my heart is aching with sorrow. 
          I promise I am still writing Chapters of my many drafts, though they aren't published you can probably tell they're fairly daft. 
          I have a bazillion assignments due this week before the holiday break, I will update as soon as possible an I bid you a good day (:


thank you sm for the votes and comments omg you have no idea what it means to me aaaa


@GryffindorkReadstuff you’re too sweet omg. that makes me so happy aaaaaa


it’s no problem at all my friend! i truly love you your story (: