The great news is Bruno Mars loves me, just the way I am.

(Weird content will pursue. Viewer's discretion is advised)

~First of all: I don't go crazy; I am crazy.
~Second of all: I am not weird. Oh wait, yes, I am.
~Third of all: I won't be impressed with technology unless I can download food.

Things you need to know about me:
~I am a strict believer of the unicorn species.

~I am not socially awkward. I just don't like the human species. I prefer chocolate.

~Dylan O'Brien is bae.

~I am weird, but that's okay.

~Currently looking like a potato.

Things I like:
~Eating food
~Eating food while watching TV
~Eating food while sleeping
~Eating food while eating food
~Dylan O'Brien

Things I dislike:
~Not eating
~Seeing the cutest animal and not being able to squeeze it
~Bumping my toe

Things I enjoy:
~Dylan O'Brien
~Sticking my head out of the car's window
~Singing off key
~Pretending to have a British accent
~Criticizing people prettier than me

Fun Fact:
~You can't say bubbles in an angry voice.
~Raising a sexy beast is hard. My parents would know.

Autocorrect can go straight to he'll.

Glad to say you have finally made it to the end and everything you have been reading was a load of crap. But follow me in anyway, or don't.

Just remember cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles.
  • In bed...
  • ПриєднавсяAugust 15, 2016

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