
@neatlypayne Kein Problem, mach ich immer gerne:)xx


@_Lost_in_Stereo_ Omg that Troye Sivan?!?! That does not look like him! N yea Ik who he is(: *starts humming happy little pill* n Awh thanks <3 I've always though Nora was a pretty name tbh... It's the kinda name that's pretty yet makes you seem smart 


@xEpiphaniesx  When you see the full picture you can tell its him.:) *starts singing happy little pill with you* ^^ And yeah maybe this sounds arrogant but idc i like my name:)


@_Lost_in_Stereo_ Lavanya^^ 
          R u the person in ur profile picture?


@xEpiphaniesx  I like your name...^-^


@xEpiphaniesx  Nooooooo!!!! Im a girl:) Do you know Troye Sivan? Well if you dont you NEED to look him up hes great♡♡♡ Hes a youtuber and singer*_____* And hes the one on my profile pic^^


@xEpiphaniesx What's ur name?  *embarrased emoji* cause well i just realised that I don't know it... 


@xEpiphaniesx  Well i don't know yours neither;)  Im Nora^^


@_Lost_in_Stereo_ U have to
          Check it out! Look it up on the web type "House md" (oh and house is the main guys last name, it's not like a weird reality show cause that's what it sounds like :P" just watch it online or SUMMIN cause u will fall in love with it! N yea I miss the old glee cast tbh... more than like the new one with the new people


@xEpiphaniesx  Yeah I might check it out:) If you think its good^^


@_Lost_in_Stereo_ Me either lel! I prefer reading over telly all the time! And I LOVE glee too! I cried when Cory monteith died :'(! I also LOVE house! It's like the best telly show ever! Have u ever watched it?


@xEpiphaniesx  No but I will maybe. If its good. And yes I cry everytime I see the older episodes:'(


@_Lost_in_Stereo_ ugh I just had to have dinner with my parents and almost missed my fave tv show and wen I was done I was running at my telly like I'm here baby!!  :'D that ever happened to U lel? Whts ur fave telly show?


@xEpiphaniesx  I don't watch TV very often but I LOVE  Glee♡♡♥♥♡♡♡♡ Ahhhh*-*