
Am I the only one who keeps getting signed out from Wattpad??
          	It keeps happening and I’m genuinely curious why


@_Lynxo_ and that's why everyone else is quitting Wattpad it's getting really old.


I’ve been thinking of delete it my account lately.
          I might do it.


The new story I posted it one of the biggest reasons why I’m thinking about it


Personal reasons, I’ve just been having thoughts about it


If I’ve talked to you in Wattpad before, this doesn’t apply to you.
          This might sound a bit weird, but please don’t send me any messages through Wattpad messages. I do not really like getting messages as I am a very anxious person who worries about everything and anything.
          Sorry if you have anything to ask me privately, but if you do, please tell me here
          Thank you for understanding,


This especially applies to people who don’t follow me. Thank you.


Happy new year everyone!!
          Hope you have a great 2024


@ZSb402 I’m good, what about you?


@_Lynxo_ how are you doing my friend?


Hello everyone that still reads my stories even though I haven’t posted one in ages!
          I just posted a story called “Something In the Orange” that’s a songfic of a song by the same name.
          Please go listen to the song as well as read my story! Thank you very much!
          Have a good day/afternoon/night and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!


A star has 5 ends, square has 4, triangle has 3, line has 2, but the circle of our friendship has no ends. Send this to everyone you care about ( moi if u do) if u get 5 back ur awesome, if u get 10 back ur popular, and if you get 15 back then DANGGGGGG( DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A CHAINMAIL)