
Some Minor setbacks made to “Deity” I added parts in the beginning, which means the chapter come at part’s four and five and no longe come immediately because I felt like I wasn’t putting my best effort into writing the book. 
          	Fair Warning: Any comments made before changes that happened today will be confusing but it’s okay because it’s not much. 
          	Thank you! 


Ignore the spelling error when I said “part’s” instead of “parts” also ignore how I didn’t add the ‘s’ to chapter the first time it popped up. ☺️


Some Minor setbacks made to “Deity” I added parts in the beginning, which means the chapter come at part’s four and five and no longe come immediately because I felt like I wasn’t putting my best effort into writing the book. 
          Fair Warning: Any comments made before changes that happened today will be confusing but it’s okay because it’s not much. 
          Thank you! 


Ignore the spelling error when I said “part’s” instead of “parts” also ignore how I didn’t add the ‘s’ to chapter the first time it popped up. ☺️