
this message may be offensive
I'm surprised this little shit has lasted as long as he has


this message may be offensive
Velvette chased the bird away with a newspaper. "Stay the fuck away from my models, you've get all of Val's bitches as much as you want!"


            //okay this made me laugh 
            "She flirted first! " Travis defended, trying to get far away from the crazy demin


Travis was just working before Bill pulled him into a closet and slammed him against the wall, gripping his neck. "Well if it isn't the little birdie~!" He cooed, tightening his grip just slightly. He then tilted his head and mockingly asked, "Got anything to say?" 


            "Ha! Knew you were chicken" he laughed


            He stayed silent and completely still for a few moments before wrinkling his nose. "Bluegh.." 


this message may be offensive
            "No dumbass" he grumbled and rubbed his forehead "it's when two people go in a closet and either make out for seven minutes or fuck for seven minutes"


Bill floated up to the other before just moaning in his ear. "Oh, daddy~!" 


            "I like my job, he just gets like this every now and then" the owl hooted, getting up


            "Well, they not to get torn apart then." Bill said as if it were the easiest thing. "You're not under contract, right? Why can't you just leave?" 


            "I been on edge all day today! My boss has been mad" he huffed, landing on the ground in a oof


*shlorps you*


Hey...I'm not here to insult you or anything, I would just like to know your side of the story. I follow some of the people that have been fighting with you and would just like to know how you view it.
          To be clear, I don't understand a single thing about what's going on. I just want to know your side of the story too.


            Okay. Thanks for clearing that up!


            I made a opinion, on a opinion (that someone could have talked to their friend about on discord)  and now people are saying I accused someone of something (which I didnt) and made another person cry because I was basically 'victim blaming'
            I even tried to clear things up and point out what I was trying to say but that apparently wasn't good enough and their having random people I don't know come at me with hate comments


When did I get to 111? I had 109 yesterday and I haven't gotten any notifications that I've been followed-


            I don’t believe you!!!!


            No they did it themselves