
Just uploaded the first 10 chapters of Skye's the Limit recently edited. I will post 10 more chapters next week! Or would it be better to upload 5 more often? Or like one every day? Idk guys. I'm just spreading it out since I'm still working on the second book. 


Woah. Guys. Ok so I FINALLY over 100 chapters later edited BOTH books. It's not an amazing edit to be honest - but grammar is a bit better and I cut out some really cringy stuff. I reached the end of where I stopped in book 2 (Chapter 53 I think???) and so I started to watch the show again to see where I left off and what I was intending to do. And as I previously said I wanted to wrap up book 2 all nice and neat and be done with it for closure... But uuhhhh. I a) sorta now want to write a third book and b) wouldn't even know how to wrap it up nicely cos there are so many cliff hangers and things that were up in the air until a few episodes in season 3. :/ Now I'm just confused.


YOOO! Guess who finally finally finally got her desktop to work? Yee ye it's me! And my editor got a laptop recently too. :) So actually anticipate some sort of writing to be published!


            //yay! I'm gonna make a book and get back into it. 


Why do my stories get so much attention NOW? Especially like 2 years after I first published them .  . .


@_Skyes_are_blue_ because there good. Really good.