
@In_your_room aw thank you


You are perfect you are perfect to the people who love you as a person, sometimes are flaws are what makes us unique 
          Also I agree we all live a perfect live in our head 
          But this bio really tuged on my heart strings  it is a work of art in my eyes, adleast you told us what is true


I'm at a loss for words..Your bio was honestly breath taking and I would be lying if I denied the fact that you're 'about me' wasn't the first thing that caught my attention while I was high on in the middle of a fanfic. I just admire the way you've just gone 'well you know what? To hell with it!' And just listed out a number of your flaws yet you haven't dramatized over them and instead gave out an important message every teen should understand about themselves. And I think that's really great. You couldn't have worded that out better :) 
          I have no idea what I'm doing with my life :/ And I can't believe I just wrote all of that up^^
          New follower ~


Your * what's up with my grammar today??


:P Hai!