
          	I don't think I even have any readers to do a 'to all my readers' notification post.
          	That hit home hard.


As much as it feels like no one cares Haha, I'm just updating on Soulmate Solution.
          I apologise for not updating it. I have started Chapter two but there has been so much going on in my life. One thing being my exams and stress another being uh- let's just say my dog injuring himself badly since I'm not meant to tell people what has actually happened.
          Furthermore, I had someone approach me offering to help, which I am grateful for. However, they haven't been around for a short while now, but they left me some advice, and I'm a little puzzled as to what to do.
          What do you do when you are given advice you dont like on a story you love, but apparently foloeing the advice makes for a better read?


Question to all my followers,
          Should I start up one of my old stories up ad well? Maybe "Do You Trust Me?" Or the old 'Freak Geek Eek'? - I should change the name of that one ugh, it's cringe.


            Well that is sure true. I'd rather write knowing that I've written than to halt and give up cause no one is paying my books any mind. One day, my endless amounts of trying will become noticed :) 


            I mean your perseverance!! You don't stop no matter what, you write for yourself and how it makes you feel rather than caring what othets think!!


            Haha. Thanks. But my books aren't that great. I'm still working on it, so till then I'm still keeping it going :) 