Wabi-sabi is not the same thing with wasabi.

How i imagined that my summers will be:
-sleepovers every night
-staying up late
-not doing homework

How they really are :
-still doing homework or no WIFI
-anime until 3 am
-staying in my room or the kitchen for the whole day cuz i'm lazy and hungry all the time
-i'm scaring the fuck out of my cats
-too lazy to go out

You need to watch a single episode of any anime and you'll become addicted. -story of my life

I'm in a lot of fandoms.
Neutral about LGBT.
I'm an A.R.M.Y
I love spain and anything that is in spanish

Btw...thanks for visiting my account. ^-^
  • Дата регистрацииJune 27, 2018


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