
Vampire Ares?
          	....vampire Ares...


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Actually know what, fuck you imma keep asking cause maybe one day someone who likes Greek Mythology with RP with me. 
          Anyone wanna do A Greek Mythology rp?! :3 


            Its okay! I normally allow us to do our own versions if we really want to! 
            I just wanna be my Zeus :((( no fun having an anon without and roleplays!


I LIKE GREEK MYTHOLOGY but i’m not sure if i know enough to rp 


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Im so done with my mother....
          I forgot to call out sick for work because I passed out because of medication and instead of being told "oh well, just.remember to tell her" or "its okay, we all forget things" 
          I get yelled at over the phone and told that im not allowed to make mistakes and that it isn't okay for me to make them. How else am i supposed to fuckin learn? 
          I feel like shit and i just want to rest, I don't need her hypocrisy. 
          Then last night she called me useless and lazy, I am the only one out of me and my sister who does something and everything im told. I clean the house, i feed the dogs, i go to school and to work but when i want a break to sit down and play a videogame, im lazy? 
          She acts as if she's the only one who deserves a break and the only one who is hardworking. 
          I fuckin have to deal with teenagers all day, getting laughed at and getting strange looks since we moved to a transphobic state, then i have to go and work with fuckin elementary school kids. I also have homework and task i need to get done, what does she do besides complain and go to work? Literally nothing. 
          She comes home,complains, then makes it sound like im the worst child ever even though im bowing down to this ungrateful woman, all because i want a break. 
          I literally don't know what to do anymore, i can't impress her, i can't make her happy. I just...i dunno man...guess i am just a lazy p.o.s. 


I hate to admit this but i do not appreciate 18+ accounts following me, I do not like that stuff and though my account is Zeus,He is an alternative Universe version of himself.  
          So do not follow me if YOUR ACCOUNT(not you) is 18+, sorry but i don't want to go onto someones account and first thing i see is you getting horny over seeing a chick licking wine off of another chicks pu**y. 
          So if you do follow me, i will kindly block you. 


            Lol- ye it’s currently night for me


            Goodnight now or goodday!