
EXO-L stay strong! Let's stay strong throughout the rest of this year!


Aaa, I've been inactive for a really long time! Sorry, sorry, I don't know if I'll be able to update anything besides "Favorite Songs and Anime Continuation" for a while since school is a hassle and my inspiration for stories has basically gone stale. The day I get into my anime phase again will come and will mark the day my inspiration comes back. So hope for that day! (aha;; I'm currently not as interested in anime as I used to be. Goin' through a KPOP phase if you couldn't tell;;;)


"If you have ever: Taken a Blade to that beautiful body of yours, Skipped a meal at least once on purpose, Cried yourself to sleep because you weren't "good enough", Tried any form of self-harm, Thought of/attempted to take your own life, re-post this, lets see how many of us there are."