
Stuck at school, hate it here, send help


I have gotten rid of the majority of my stories, I will be rewriting them to make them better and to fix anything I may have missed or left you unsure of, unless I did it on purpose then I will not be fixing that, yes I move fast in my stories, I apologize, I am getting better at slowing down and making sure they get to know each other and spend more time with each other before they get into anything romantic, please just hold on for a little bit longer


@_Zashi_Tetsurou I'm making a Fairy Tail Fanfiction, even though I don't quite know what one quite is, exactly. It's not roleplay, but it'll be the thoughts and feelings and in the eyes of the characters, mainly Erza, as they go through their hardships, missions, and all her feelings of Jellal. It'll also be in the P.O.V.'s of Lucy, Natsu, Gajeel, Levy, Gray, Mira, Makarov, Loke, all them. I was wondering if you'd like to be the first reader?


Ooh! I see you have Kookie as your picture! Nice! ANYWAY! Holo, thank you for the follow and I hope you enjoy reading books as much as I do!♥


Lol! You basically answered everything I said! XD I J-Hope you enjoy my future books, cause I MIGHT make a K-POP one. :-) Goodnight!


@Konamuru-chan Yep I do have Kookie as my picture! No problem! And I'm obssesed with reading!