
I haven't posted here in a while.
          	Well, I have questions.
          	Does anyone actually like the CP fic? Because it's fairly sad my last chapters went unnoticed for months.
          	But, if people do like it, I will continue to update as best I can while making sure I don't sacrifice grammar and quality.


I haven't posted here in a while.
          Well, I have questions.
          Does anyone actually like the CP fic? Because it's fairly sad my last chapters went unnoticed for months.
          But, if people do like it, I will continue to update as best I can while making sure I don't sacrifice grammar and quality.


Well, I'm livid.
          For some reason I was logged out of my account. Not too bad right?
          Well, I come here and find an entire friggen chapter is missing.
          Was this a glitch or was someone screwing with my account?
          Did it happen with anyone else?
          Anyone with details, please message me.


Sup brotatoes?
          So, I noticed a lot less people are reading my fanfic.
          Is it becoming boring?
          I'm in the middle of a chapter, and I'm probably going to try writing while on this field trip, though it's harder on my phone,
          But is it becoming boring?
          Send me your ideas of what you'd like to see when reading "Lapis Lazuli" and how I might make it better.
          Like the surprise I've already planned for the ending.
          You'll never see it coming.
          Stay Freaky, Brotatoes!


It appears I keep forgetting to update Lapis Lazuli. I apologize yet again, and I will update as soon as possible. School just makes it nearly impossible to type it up and update, sorry. But I am sick today, so I will try today then. Thank you if you haven't given up on me yet.
          Stay Freaky, Brotatoes.


I know, I'm bad a keeping up updates. But I'm getting my procrastinating ass back into gear, I have to type up the last three handwritten pages to "A Large Party" there were five, so I'm getting on it when I'm no busy. So during my lunch break and whenever I've finished classwork. Right then, I hope you all can forgive me, gomen!
          Stay Freaky, Brotatoes!


Okay, I was wrong about the July update. 
          But I brought to school with me. 
          So I really am going to update Lapis Lazuli today.
          Because school isn't exactly the most interesting thing in the world.
          Wish me luck, poppets!


To whom it may concern:
          I finally have my iPad, so now I will be on more often! That means more posts of story parts and such. Thank you all so much! Lapis Lazuli, despite its newness and only being three parts, has reached 100+ views!!!!! Hopefully I will begin to get votes as I continue to type this story until the very end. 
          Stay Freaky, Brotatoes! :3