
fuq it i’m gonna make a marching band story 


@__walkingtravesty oh my god, i just finished what you have so far on Camp Saga, and I am IN LOVE. i love the way you write, please continue to write


to everyone waiting on an update on camp saga: i have recently found the notebook in which i started the next chapter in, so now i can continue it. but i do need to be in a certain headspace to write it and be happy with it, and over the winter i just wasn’t in that headspace. as it gets warmer i’ll start updating more. i have a lot of free time in the summer seen as i kinda stay alone and do my own thing over break, plus i have much more creative energy. but yeah. i’m so sorry that it’s been so stale for so long. i will update soon :)


i am a year clean of self harm today.


@__walkingtravesty I know I'm late with saying this but I'm so proud of you <3


Were so proud, keep it up!❤️


@ __walkingtravesty  