
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy   he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
          	Matthew 13:44 ESV
          	Today, I found out that this verse is talking about Jesus's reaction to the individual believer. Just one of us.


That's an amazing verse!



“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy   he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
          Matthew 13:44 ESV
          Today, I found out that this verse is talking about Jesus's reaction to the individual believer. Just one of us.


That's an amazing verse!


I completely 180-d with my aesthetic (peek the profile page change) but I like it and I'm notifying you so you have a better time remembering me.
          Also, I am currently reading Lord of the Rings.


@_amazanian_ yes, of course. They're both excellent...


@EzekielSebentien they're definitely different, but I think I still love both but in different ways. Definitely legendary lol!


            I'm glad you're getting to the books. It's quite an experience. Much more... "legendary" than the movies... (Maybe someone else should correct me on that term... Lol)
            God bless!


@Eternala is such an inspiration to me and an amazing reminder of Philippians 1:6. God will continue to perfect and complete his good work in us until the day of Christ Jesus.


@_amazanian_ woah. This really supprised and warmed my heart. Thank you so much. May God bless you


“Stay in the Psalms. They are in the Bible to give dry and barren human beings something to say to God, and to give them some restored sanity when, left to themselves, all they want to do is go back to bed under the covers, or go get drunk, or go kill themselves, because the pain of life is so great.”
          - Dane Ortlund, https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/gods-beauty-for-the-bored-busy-and-depressed


So good. Thank you for sharing this <3


Happy New Year everyone!


Happy New Year!


“And he is the one who, through the gentleness and merciful severity of his providence, humbles his church again and again, from without and from within, and in his humbling brings us to the fork in the road: Now, how will you respond to my humbling purposes in this trial? Will you humble yourself?
          When the next humbling trial comes, will you bow up with pride, or bow down in humility? God has a particular promise for you in these moments. The God of all power will exalt the humble in his perfect timing.”
          - https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/how-do-i-humble-myself
          Please read the entire article for the full context. Responding to God's humbling of me has always been so difficult, and now I'm looking back in my life to see a pattern of oft-repeated severe trials before I truly humbly myself before God. David Mathis's article on Micah 6:8 has been so helpful in showing me the right way to go from here, and I hope it helps any other follower of the Lord Jesus too!


@Eternela ❤️❤️❤️ Merry Christmas my friend!


I feel like pride is very common
             It's almost like the Fondation of most sins. Ourselves can be our biggest problem and often even I see myself exalting myself. It's a sneaky thing that comes with self righetiouness etc. Thank you


@_amazanian_ so important! Thank you sis, will check it out