
saya tatau knp dngn diri saya , saya byk je idea nk kluarkn but i donno why jari jari ni malas nk type  im so sory to u guys who r waiting for my updates .. niat saya nak hbiskn tu , allahu .. sya terlalu byk kerja nak dibuat smpai sya sndiri lupa plot dya , nak hbiskn mcm mna .. doakan sya spya dpt hbiskn awl , so that sya dpt kluarkn another karya saya , in syaa Allah soon .. but still , im hoping i can finsih this story .. thank you for my readers and im sory for those who r still waiting for my upcoming updates .. sya mintk maaf sgt sgt , in syaa Allah sya akn isahakn utk update .. thank u again ☺️


saya tatau knp dngn diri saya , saya byk je idea nk kluarkn but i donno why jari jari ni malas nk type  im so sory to u guys who r waiting for my updates .. niat saya nak hbiskn tu , allahu .. sya terlalu byk kerja nak dibuat smpai sya sndiri lupa plot dya , nak hbiskn mcm mna .. doakan sya spya dpt hbiskn awl , so that sya dpt kluarkn another karya saya , in syaa Allah soon .. but still , im hoping i can finsih this story .. thank you for my readers and im sory for those who r still waiting for my upcoming updates .. sya mintk maaf sgt sgt , in syaa Allah sya akn isahakn utk update .. thank u again ☺️





sya dh pub chap 2 , do check and votes also comments ya guys ❤️


@niaaisabelle10 In Shaa Allah , AHAHAHA


Cehhh..jgn pencen lg laa @_aryyyj


@niaaisabelle10 hehe , sbelum ni pencen berabis , ceh