
My dog is me. Out of all of her toys, the only ones she doesn’t tear to shreds are the pink pig ones. She also very much appreciates the dwaekki aesthetic. She’s had her two for a good 6-7 months now and they’re in good shape aside from some mud from her sneaking them outside with her… 


My dog is me. Out of all of her toys, the only ones she doesn’t tear to shreds are the pink pig ones. She also very much appreciates the dwaekki aesthetic. She’s had her two for a good 6-7 months now and they’re in good shape aside from some mud from her sneaking them outside with her… 


I did it. I just emailed my old advisor from university to see if they could write me a letter of recommendation so I can apply to teach in Korea… it’s so close yet so far. I’ve been waiting so long to do it… and it’s finally time. I finally have the money to make it happen and not be stressed over it. I’m so excited and scared… but I have to do it. Can’t live in the shadows forever. 


OMG!! wishing you the best of luck!! this is amazing news!!


I have no self control. There are only 4 pcs I need that aren’t included in my fixed claim for Bin… his target, Walmart, and b&n exclusives and his ate version pc. So logically… I would buy one of each and just trade for them… but no. I bought 3 ate albums (1 is in the mail still…), 1 target (in the mail… but only piece of self control I had), and 5 Walmart. No b&n cuz my friend lives near one and was gonna get them for us… but they didn’t have any… but my 5 Walmart came in handy… someone wanted Walmart exclusives and was willing to trade b&n. So I’m currently only missing his target… but my friend has it and if I don’t pull it when mine gets to me she’ll probably bless me with him cuz she’s an angel. 


I just came across your profile after seeing your story 'masked' on my recommendations. You've been here on this platform since 2014!? It's really rare to see authors spending many years here, let alone 10 years.  I feel really happy seeing that you've not lost your interest in writing through the years. Hope you continue your journey without any obstacles! And I'll make sure to check out your stories! Just wanted to say this here!


@Fxllen_angel__ writing has always been my escape from the real world. It helps me understand my emotions and the world around me better, too. 


Starting writing since such a young age is really a talent! I am sure harold is a great tree haha!


I’m autistic and one of my special interests is writing. I’ve been writing stories since I learned how to write. I remember some of the stories I wrote when I was like 5… I had one about a magical tree named Harold when I was like 8. I was quite proud of him then… honestly still am. Harold was a great tree. 


Who’s having an awful arthritis flare up? Me. Who wants to just sit in a corner and cry? Me. Who’s been living with arthritis for the last 13 years? Me. So I’ve learned to just pretend it’s okay and do what I have to do until I get home. Then I cry if I want to. Which today I might. Definitely did Saturday night. I’m still working on the next update though… 


I am struggling… KeonHee means sooo much to me, but my collection truly isn’t that thrilling anymore… I don’t know if I want to get rid of it or if I should just keep it… it’s kind of scary in a way… Hee and Bin have been a big part of my special interest… if I start to lose my special interest… what’s next? I’ll have nothing left… it’s been over 10 years in kpop and I’ve been following both boys since they debuted…