
I wrote a one shot for the first time in forever and literally no one has read it ಥ ͜ʖಥ the only reason it got eight views is because I kept previewing it to make sure it looked good ;-;


@_depressed_vampire_ no problem. It was a really good one shot!


I wrote a one shot for the first time in forever and literally no one has read it ಥ ͜ʖಥ the only reason it got eight views is because I kept previewing it to make sure it looked good ;-;


@_depressed_vampire_ no problem. It was a really good one shot!


I've got Twitter! I'm not really posting anything on it (my life sucks and is boring) but if you want to see the people I follow or the things I like (stalkers) then I guess you can check it out...? 
          (depressed_vampire) I think I might have an obsession with this name. I literally use it for  E V E R Y T H I N G... if I get a YouTube account (and that's a big IF) it'll not be depressed vampire I promise! 


@_depressed_vampire_ I don't have a Twitter account anymore, sorry.