
I really need to get back into Wattpad


@That_One_Yaoi_Writer private message me if u want to hear it


I really need to get back into Wattpad


@That_One_Yaoi_Writer private message me if u want to hear it


It's the last day of 2020 for me. I dislike this year a lot but I also love it because I've met you. You made this year be the best year in my life even though covid has ruined lots of life. Thank you for existing and for being my friend. 
          Wishing you a happy new year already. Hope you'll achieve all your dreams. This year taught us to take nothing for granted. I don't take you for granted. Ily ❤️ 


Bro I just had to deal with a boy who acts like a pervert and sexualizes girls. Like wtf man. And then claimed it was a joke. He clearly said he uses girls for their bodies. 


@Youngbeautiful88 for real. Like he was disgusting and racist. Like wtf