
Hey guys, I just started writing this new book and y'all should definitely go check it out!! 


Hi there! Thank you so much for adding The Professor's Girl to your reading list. I really hope you enjoy it ♡ If you do, please don't hesitate to leave a comment and let me know! And give me a follow if you're looking for similar stories in the future ;)
          You can also follow me on Twitter, @ HarleyLaroux. 
          I love getting to connect with readers (and fellow writers too!) ♡
          Happy reading! ♡♡♡


          I just wanted to appreciate your work. Your writing skills are amazing. Keep it. 
          Hope you'll update soon and hope you've an amazing day. 
          Lots of love,
          WR xxx


@White_Rose1D omg im so sorry for the really really really late respond  I never saw this!! Thank you so much!! Sending loads of love your way ❤❤❤


Keep it up*