
The recent postings to Phantom Tap are not new chapters, but are announcements on its being taken down and why it's being taken down. 
          	Full explanation posted in the book. Read Announcement One for a quick and dirty version, read Announcement Two for a much more detailed explanation. It's going to be taken down at the latest the end of the first week of September. 
          	Thank you everyone who has read it. I really appreciate the love and support it's been given. It's very near and dear to my heart, and I'm glad so many others enjoyed it too. 
          	Hope to see you soon with something new, but until then -- happy reading, writing, and everything else. :D


The recent postings to Phantom Tap are not new chapters, but are announcements on its being taken down and why it's being taken down. 
          Full explanation posted in the book. Read Announcement One for a quick and dirty version, read Announcement Two for a much more detailed explanation. It's going to be taken down at the latest the end of the first week of September. 
          Thank you everyone who has read it. I really appreciate the love and support it's been given. It's very near and dear to my heart, and I'm glad so many others enjoyed it too. 
          Hope to see you soon with something new, but until then -- happy reading, writing, and everything else. :D


Hello everybody! Phantom Tap has a new chapter up! CHAPTER 5: ACADEMIC FLIRT. 
          It comes accompanied with a new cover by @diwatera, so thank you very much for that! 
          Let me know what you think of the story as it progresses, I'd love to hear your thoughts. 
          I hope that social distancing is going well and that everyone is safe, healthy and happy. It's been a strange time as of late, and I know many people are nervous about the future, myself included. However, I am confident we'll make it through, especially if we stick together. :) 
          Anyways, good luck! Happy Reading, Writing, and everything else!


          The first two chapters (and the introductions/aesthetics/others page) have been published. From now on, a new chapter will (hopefully) be put forth every Friday or Saturday of this month (and later will likely change to a bi-weekly publication). 
          Hope you enjoy the redone Phantom Tap!