
i feel so bad for not updating if literally FOREVER. school and me just adulting has been.....wow....but i promise to update hella soon y’all!!! thank you so much for reading NEW BALANCE and UNFAITHFUL!! much love 


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got to finish new balance (which will be surprisingly fast) and get to work on the sequel for unfaithful. im on both side of wanting to hurry this shit tf up but i also just want to enjoy it yanno. no rushing lmao. but SO MANY NEW IDEAS ARE FORMING IN MY MIND I JUST CAN'T HELP IT.


can yall  help a girl out ? what's that one sope fic where hoseok has a crush on yoongi and when yoongi shows up with a pizza order for hoseok he meets jimin and falls for him? i need that sudden burst of angst sis and i need it noww