
this message may be offensive
HOLY FUCKING SHIT it has been MONTHS since i updated my Fan Fiction. A Lot of changes have gone on in my life, but trust me, I am working on writing a extremely long chapter for you guys! 
          	  Sucky part is I am not with my Spain, but this time he seems to be the one getting nervous around me?? And i just wow, but I promise to maybe post something by the end of this week so Look Out for an Update!


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HOLY FUCKING SHIT it has been MONTHS since i updated my Fan Fiction. A Lot of changes have gone on in my life, but trust me, I am working on writing a extremely long chapter for you guys! 
            Sucky part is I am not with my Spain, but this time he seems to be the one getting nervous around me?? And i just wow, but I promise to maybe post something by the end of this week so Look Out for an Update!


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God. I am really fucking lazy. And i am so super duper sorry for not updating. I am a HUGE procrastinator. But your comments that you leave do brighten up my day! And i have been trying to write the story, but.........writers block. 
          But i will try my hardest to update. And the story is there and stuff but it isn't finished. Ah, i am rambling again. But yes i will try my hardest to write it for all of you. 
          Thank you!


Hey hey hey my lovely readers for my one story. I'd just like to say thank you for all the love for the story and I am sorry for not updating. I haven't been able to use the computer for a long enough time to type it out and school started and I am distracted by uh Spain. Not because we are together or anything but cause he stares at me, a lot. So basically, please be expecting another chapter next month because for my birthday I am finally getting a laptop. Thank you and have a nice whatever time of day it is.