
Hello…it’s been months-
          	So a lot has happened the time I was offline. Interests have changed, been busy, motivation for writing vanished but now it’s back, and just haven’t been on here for a while.
          	While I do plan to go back to writing, I won’t be back on this app. I’ve used this app for a while, it’s time to switch things up. Where will I be? Idk
          	Not sure if I’m going to keep this account up, but if I do, thanks for reading my fics and interacting with me here


@_littleflame_  I hope you stay safe and take care of yourself. I loved reading your books and it was fun while it lasted. :)


Hello…it’s been months-
          So a lot has happened the time I was offline. Interests have changed, been busy, motivation for writing vanished but now it’s back, and just haven’t been on here for a while.
          While I do plan to go back to writing, I won’t be back on this app. I’ve used this app for a while, it’s time to switch things up. Where will I be? Idk
          Not sure if I’m going to keep this account up, but if I do, thanks for reading my fics and interacting with me here


@_littleflame_  I hope you stay safe and take care of yourself. I loved reading your books and it was fun while it lasted. :)


So…I went back on my break earlier than planned…sorry, lots of things came up
          But I do plan on finishing/continuing stories when I have the motivation and energy to do so
          Right now, I’ll be online every now and then, but until stories update, see you :)


Announcement regarding my oc story called Journeys with Nara and Aka:
          Me and my friend have decided to take our ocs out of the Sanders Sides fandom and just make them as regular characters we made
          So that cannon parts of the story is getting a big rewrite and might have a different cover


I feel like Wattpad is dying
          . . . I’m still going to write here though 


@_littleflame_ Fr tho, its just kinda gone downhill. @Coalslaw104  same it really sucks


@_littleflame_ yeah same :( a lot of the fan fiction writers either quit or lost their account or something. I've been here for years and watch it slowly die it sucks


Is anyone alive on here?-
          Just asking 


@_littleflame_ not as much but I'm here if you need a friend


            Hi! I think I followed you trying to get more ss role-playing buddies 