
also, i just published a new story on my other account, @contradictionn. it's just a description at the moment, but i'm planning on adding more based upon interest. it's a marvel story, so if that's your thing, maybe check it out? also, i know. i have so many unfinished stories already. i suck at finishing them. i'm sorry xx


also, i just published a new story on my other account, @contradictionn. it's just a description at the moment, but i'm planning on adding more based upon interest. it's a marvel story, so if that's your thing, maybe check it out? also, i know. i have so many unfinished stories already. i suck at finishing them. i'm sorry xx


i actually updated "this soil." whadaya know? 
          (i'm sorry that i take forever. i'm drowning in extra-curricular activities and a.p./honors classes because i need to get to college without accruing for myself a massive amount of student loan debt. *nervous laughter* but if you still bother to read my work, you have my undying appreciation.)


@Woowoowriting i apologize if i bother, but i just wanted to say that i really appreciate you writing otherside. i don't think i've quite read all that you've posted in it yet, but it inspired me to try out new things with my writing, as well. so basically, thanks. you're awesome. 


@_mudpuddles I'd like to thank you for being awesome, as well.