
Anyone watched eurovision? I wanna fangirl over the Italian singer✨


Soooo, yes... I am sick. And I'm really not having the best time right now. Mix headaches, nausea and sensitive eyes with my LOVELY allergies (because it's spring) then most of you can guess that I just wanna take a nap and wake up in 2022. 
          Looking at a computer screen hurts my eyes most of the time these days since they're really sensitive right now but I'll try to go through my notifications tomorrow (and oh boy they're SO MANY).


Sooo, I have decided that I'm gonna write a different version of ToS, one that I'll keep in my computer and send for the publisher when it's ready. I'll keep the current version here (or I might switch then in the future I don't know). Mainly it's because whatever I write I'm not 100% sure I want it to stay that way since one minute I like it the next poof I don't like it. And I cannot keep unpublishing and then publishing my chapters again and again and again. So the current version of ToS will stay here just for the heck of it.


Let's face it I'm not the only one who binge watched Shadow and Bone in one go


@ chaikovskiy  and I admit it gave me inspiration for ToS. Few since the universe I'm building is vastly diefferent but I got a couple ideas. Glad to see you did so too. I'm pretty sure there are others as well heheheh
            And good luck on your next project. I was thinking on publishing a romeo and juliet retelling one of these days (mainly to work on when I'm taking a break from ToS) but I can't find a good graphics designer for the cover


@ chaikovskiy  It was really good. I was surprised with how well they handled it. And the costumes and the setting was *chef's kiss*. I really hope once they're done with the shadow and bone trilogy and the six of crows duology they're gonna adapt King of Scars. But I guess that depends on the show's success


girl, SAME! minus the birthday part. i was working on ‘NS’ until it was time for the show to be released and the i got sucked in and watched half of it. it was a good time and honestly cant wait to start on episode five after school! i was lowkey worried about it being a flop but the showrunners did a damn good job. it gives me vibes and ideas for my next story... also a dark fantasy like “TOS!!” 


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Shadow and Bone is not even out yet but I see a bunch of videos on Youtube already titled "Shadow and Bone Season 1 Honest Review" or others along those lines. I mean...