
Hey guys! You may have seen that recently I have changed a few things about this account. I haven’t published in a while bc I’m working on a few stucky fics plus an actual novel, but here’s why I’m updating: to formally tell you I will no longer be publishing destiel fics. 
          	There are some good ones that maybe I’ll pick up again for the sake of the story, but the thing is, I do not really like the supernatural fandom anymore, and I would rather spend my time writing crappy stucky fan fiction than crappy destiel fan fiction. 
          	If this is something you’ll want to see, then feel free to stick around for the ride! If not, I’m sorry, but you, of course, may unfollow if you do wish to do so. 
          	I will start posting soon, I wanted to finish the fics before I actually started publishing them so it’s not just a mess. 
          	Thank you for your understanding. I will be publishing soon! 


Hey guys! You may have seen that recently I have changed a few things about this account. I haven’t published in a while bc I’m working on a few stucky fics plus an actual novel, but here’s why I’m updating: to formally tell you I will no longer be publishing destiel fics. 
          There are some good ones that maybe I’ll pick up again for the sake of the story, but the thing is, I do not really like the supernatural fandom anymore, and I would rather spend my time writing crappy stucky fan fiction than crappy destiel fan fiction. 
          If this is something you’ll want to see, then feel free to stick around for the ride! If not, I’m sorry, but you, of course, may unfollow if you do wish to do so. 
          I will start posting soon, I wanted to finish the fics before I actually started publishing them so it’s not just a mess. 
          Thank you for your understanding. I will be publishing soon! 


Hey friends, 
          If you were following this account before the glow up, then you may have figured out we made a recent change, and that change is everything. If you weren't, thank you for joining me. 
          I am currently working on a few Supernatural fan fictions, so if that's for you, come along for the ride. It's super cool, super chill, and super a-lot-of-Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer-high-school-aus. Fun right? 
          If that's not for you, I'm sorry, but feel free to unfollow. 
          Thanks friends! My first publication will probably be for my story "Another Day" which I started writing for a school assignment when I didn't know what else to write and was reading way too many Destiel fan fictions. 
          Bye! Enjoy what my profile has to offer you at the time, which isn't much and I'm sorry it isn't more. 
          Thank you, and Carry On.