
this message may be offensive
I feel like everytime I'm on here it's about a fucking guy


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Alright my babes
          I got my tongue pierced (snake eyes)
          It really fucking hurt no lie and I've made the mistake of smoking
          (Smoking, alcohol and certain foods can make it swell and/or cause an infection)
          I've been smoking for 3 days 
          And it's the worse mistake ever
          And babes PLEASE keep clean and safe from the virus 
          I'm pissed, because my siblings won't be in school and most people are losing their jobs atm
          Good luck to all of you and be safe 
          Love you 


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We never talked anything out, yada yada
          He's a piece of shit and now he has an underaged girlfriend who's now currently living with him
          He was also talking to 2 of his exes as well and led them on too
          It hurts to think about it
          He never wanted to talk in the end even after he asked for my number
          I made a new friend though and she's fucking awesome
          I'll move on soon though and he'll get what's coming to him.


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Aaaannnnd I was fucked over. I'm disappointed in myself and him. We should've stopped when we were ahead. But I wanted something. 
          After I wanted to stop what we've been doing (due to me finding some stuff out) he said he wants us to talk in person. I'm hurt guys. I'm still shocked . I've been sad for days but I'll move on. Ik I will. I just want my friend back.


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So I've been going through a lot of bullshit lately but I'm trying my best to make it through. I almost lost one of my friends recently because  he has gotten into some trouble as well.  I actually even left my current boyfriend because I couldn't handle a lot of shit anymore. It hurt to leave him but I am okay and breaking up with him showed me what kind of person he really is and I'm grateful that I made decision.  and as for my friend I did develop feelings for him and he did the same for me but we would never make it we were just meant to be friends. The feelings we may have/had  may be genuine but it's not worth it. I rather have my friend around then ruin anything. though my friend and I don't talk as much anymore I just hope he's doing okay I'm going to miss him more than anything because I tell him everything and anything and he, up until now, did the same. Anyways just have some hope out for me and my friend not for a relationship reason (please no ) but for both of us to get better because he's losing his mind and living in fear at the moment from some bull. And I wanna get better and move on from those feelings for him.  Thank you.   I love you all and stay safe❤


hey everyone, I know it's probably been a year since I've updated "The Woods". I feel like I lost all touch with my creation and it is sadly true. Not only did senior year start to kick my ass but so did college and doing classes online (I don't like the school, So I plan on transferring somewhere or maybe even dropping out for now to finish my job). Speaking of jobs, I also work full time now and it gets really exhausting. So I plan on finishing my application to BU and saving money to move and hopefully they still let me in after so long. Anyways, wish me the best of luck and I hope the same for you dears <3 I'll try to update the story soon


@angel_serpent I love you and miss you too ❤and same here love


@_slaughterlaughter_ ily and i miss u, text me if you need anything 