
CONGRATULATIONS, SORAI! You have officially won the (slightly late, but yes this is a consistent award we do) Almond Of The Six Months award for being really cool and a great fan and also making us so much fanart! Good job! 
          ~ Cress, Disco, Goldy, Gorgo, Katester, Mushroom Boi, Ren, and Voltemort 
          P.S. This warrants a prize but we s t i l l can't think of one so if you have any ideas let us know (or ask our previous winners @Sophia_Redwood and @via_zimo for advice). Have a great dayyy!


@_anothergoogleform HELLO OMG THIS IS SO RAD or should I say sorad (haha,,, like Sorai,,, okay I'll stop) FJFIDKSKF THANK YOU SO MUCH I AM HONORED