
There will be an update this month, I promise. I got really sick during December and then, in a moment of pure insanity, I decided to buy a kitten on the 23rd, so I’m currently dealing with the integration of him and the other animals. I do want to get the next chapter out before the new year, so I will do it. It’s almost done, I’m just unhappy with the end and some of the wording, so after a good edit session it’ll be ready. 


No pressure at all, you’re doing great 


Can’t wait to read it 


Hello lovely author! I hope all is well and you are thriving in this new year. 
          I wanted to ask whether you knew when the next update of „Fall into me“ might be uploaded? 
          Patiently waiting, 
          another author and avid reader of your amazing works! 


Seriously I've reread The Valentines so much. Beautifully written and I'm ashamed I haven't read your other works yet but I'm absolutely positive they'll be even more beautiful and I'm excited to read them 


@Halnae actually no I've read another one and didn't realize it was you but now that I think about it I should've known 