
Spent an hour coding and trying to figure out wtf my mistake was only to realize I had put a 2 instead of z in my code…
          	We love to see it ;-;
          	Still got full points for it tho


I have officially turned 20…I have been alive for 20 years oh my god I’m old lmao 


@TAR0BUNS thank youu <3 like literally tho it feels weird I still feel like I’m 17 sometimes 


@_yuri_deluna HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! and felt…i turned 20 like a month ago and it still feels so strange 


It’s the way I’m watching Lighter and Princess (the c-drama) and now I’m sad because no one looks at me the way Li Xun looks at Zhu Yun and PLEASE I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO LOVE ME LIKE THAT ;-;
          I also impulsively dyed my hair red so I no longer have purple hair, I now have red hair AHA


I just cut myself some bangs and keep in mind I’m almost 20 but I keep getting told I look like I’m 16…I look even younger than I did before. Ngl I feel cute tho
          I also think I got a piece of hair in my eye and lowkey not the vibe…


@loveydoveylix the best way I can describe it is kinda like Karina’s bangs in the Stamp On It MV but like a not as wispy