
Hi there! I’m just wondering if you were the author who wrote “Behind these walls”. I loveddd that story. I read it a few years back and wanted to re-read it but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I only googled to find out that it was written by a_colour_dreamer aka you. Please bring it back. It was such a lovey story. ❤️ 


Hey, I just wanted to say that Why She Fell was one of the first books (if not THE first one) I read around 5 years ago, if I'm not mistaken (back then Wattpad didn't even require readers to make an account, that's how old...or at least I never set one up, haha). I remember reading it when I was in 6th grade and I first got an iPhone 4s so squinting on that small screen and staying up late all night to read it was something I'll never forget. I've had multiple accounts since then, stopped reading Wattpad at one point, etc. but I wanted to write this anyways.
          I know this account says "joined 2 years ago" so maybe you started anew or maybe this is someone else's account under the same username. Whichever it is, it's the only one I could find and I just want to get this out here. Thank you so much for one of the greatest, most memorable reads when I first came to Wattpad. I can't find your story anymore but for whatever reason it's no longer up, I hope you're doing okay with life and I hope you continue writing ❤️


OMG IM SO EXCITED!!! THANK YOU! I CANT WAIT *confetti* I’m glad you’re gonna be writing again. Looking forward to reading the new one although the original is a classic and will always hold a special place in my heart 


Hey, just wanted you to know that Why She Fell is one of the reasons I fell in love with Wattpad. You took it down for your own reasons, but I just wanted to say thank you for everything :)


@iveydocx AHHHH you replied!!!!! Literally CAN'T wait!!!!!!


Can u plz notify us when you post your book again. I heard you are just doing a edited version....


@JESUS_WRKS_4_ME wow this was sooo long ago i can barely remember the book! But whatever you rewrite will probably be twice as amazing. Cant wait!


I really want to read Why She Fell, because all the books that say good books you should read always say Why She Fell, and it sounds really interesting. How come you deleted it? Pls, I've been looking for it forever. I want to download it to read, it just sounds so good but I don't know where to!


@iveydocx Oh hey! It's okay, I almost forgot that I wrote this (oops)! I will definitely check it out, thanks for messaging back to me!