Like a Marvel Zombie, I'm baaaacccckkkkkk... I know my hiatus has been too long- my apologies. But I am happy to say that I just posted a NEW CHAPTER of Untangling a Future for the first time in 7ish months! While I'm hoping to start posting more regularly again, I'm not making any promises this time about cadence of posts- they will come as they come and when I have time. Hopefully that's cool with y'all. In the meantime, please tell me how you all have been doing! Everyone's turn to post an update. I'll go first- I bought a house, got a puppy, and had my job change completely all over again. Your turns! Hugs and love - A

Glad that you are doing well!!! I’m good too, have spent the summer traveling and am getting ready to go back to my normal routine of things so I’m excited :)