
PEOPLE!!! Since its November and I kept rewatching the sandersides christmas video im here to remind you that "THERE IS NO WINNING ON CHRISTMAS!" Roman said that not me and i think that is a complete FALSEHOOD! and so MerryChristmas! Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals PEACE OUT (for now=w=)


PEOPLE!!! Since its November and I kept rewatching the sandersides christmas video im here to remind you that "THERE IS NO WINNING ON CHRISTMAS!" Roman said that not me and i think that is a complete FALSEHOOD! and so MerryChristmas! Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals PEACE OUT (for now=w=)


Hello follower(singular cuz i know its you cath)
          I beg of you read/ watch thomas sanders it will give you inspiration for ur stories hehe yeah


@abcdaniellebernardo  DONT CALL ME THAT IN PUBLIC!!!!! If this is even public